Arts Sponsorship

Arts sponsorships promote opportunities for adults and children to engage in artistic endeavors that are funded by corporations, individuals or small businesses. These art sponsorship contributors participate in sponsoring the arts due to the fact that they feel it is a worthy cause and helps to contribute to the positive growth of children and communities. Sponsors of the arts contribute funds, equipment and financial support for venues in which artistic performances take place.
Schools benefit from artistic sponsorships due to the creation of art workshops and classes. Artists may benefit as well from time contributed to students through classes taught and workshops given. Art sponsors contribute to communities through educating students with artistic ability and fostering proper education in areas where funding has been severely cut in most communities. These courses, lectures and workshops bring in funding from sponsors of the arts outside of school systems and known communities who wish to see the arts thrive among young people, diverse ethnic groups and the poor, who through circumstances that are usually out of their control do not receive benefits available to other groups of people.
Art sponsorships may also foster relationships between people. Corporate art sponsorships may market products to individuals who may not be exposed to such diverse populations. Persons who live in largely white, Hispanic, Asian, African American and other various ethnic groups may benefit from diverse intelligences, opinions, as well as opening up new demographics for corporations through marketing styles and buying trends. Populations that enjoy the arts know no boundaries, and so various lifestyles attend artistic showings, whether they are on Broadway or in private galleries. So corporations offering sponsorship to the arts benefit from reaching many types of communities. The wealthy patronize the arts, middle class families attend the arts, gay and lesbian communities as well as lower income and college students. Sponsorship of the arts may foster relations between persons who may not ordinarily congregate together, and offers a wider exposure to corporations or businesses contributing to their support.
Arts sponsors receive their benefits in ads in programs, signs on walls, plaques on walls, large lettering on buildings, the naming of buildings after large sum and long time contributors, association with particular venues, events or persons in pre event advertising, and possible sales of particular items on the site of the performance.